
Chaos breaker taito type x resolution problem
Chaos breaker taito type x resolution problem

chaos breaker taito type x resolution problem

Speaking about my 2nd problem, i'm sorry but I haven't understood: currently, for TaitoTypeXtra games, I was force to creat a single emulator for each game.

chaos breaker taito type x resolution problem

But i still have same problem: when i click on the game, it opens the Teknoparrot interface.I followed 3 different guide on youtube, but still have same result I tried everything, but it seems that the games can't start.

chaos breaker taito type x resolution problem

I tried to copy my BladeStrangers.xml file to the ROM folder where I have the games folder of Teknoparrot and I renamed it as . If you combine settings from different guides (different ways of setting up LaunchBox for TeknoParrot) it won't work. One advice I can give: As there are several way to configure Launcbox for TeknoParrot, pick a setup guide and do exactly what the guide says. You can also try unticking "Default Emulator". In the emulator settings for TaitoTypeXtra > Associated Platforms tab, check "Associated Platform" name. Then, if LaunchBox omits the file extension, it still passes BladeStrangers.xml to TeknoParrot. I have gotten around this by copying BladeStrangers.xml out of the TeknoParrot folder to another folder and renaming it and import that. If you import BladeStrangers.xml as your rom, LaunchBox omits the file extension and only passes BladeStrangers to TeknoParrot. But lets take the game Blade Strangers as example. Headrush69 asked you to tick the "Use filename only without file extension or folder path", which you should. Although you have posted screenshots, for me it's hard to keep track of what all your relevant settings exactly are.

Chaos breaker taito type x resolution problem