AND everyone that contributed to the GitHub source.Also others that contributors on GitHub.Get the original and OG version of the mod for your cool high-end desktop PC here.ReddudeXD: Carnival in toyland Musician.Lean: Extra Musician, Coder, Animation Helper, and Sound Effects.Awe: U.S, Versiculus Iratus, Needlemouse and Leak ma balls musician.Sandi: Hellhole, Untold Loneliness, Vesania and Spring March musician.Marco Antonio: Among us sprite animator and oswald album artist.Kass8tto: Part 1 background artist and part 2 among us sprite artist.Zero: Story Writer, Art Director, Sprite Artist and BG Artist.Cape: Main charter of 13 songs and Coder.Nugget: Co Director, Icon, Thumbail, Logo and Sprite Artist.Jhaix: Director & Creator, Main Musician’.If you had fun and would like to keep up-to-update on the mod, make sure to support these cool mod creators on their social media by subscribing, following, liking, etc. Wednesday’s Infidelity vs Sad Mickey Mouse Mod Credits:

Updated: More OPTIMIZED than the previous online port for lower end PC. Story Mode and some songs don’t allow you to pause the game, you have to keep going. Will Boyfriend be able to cheer up sad Mickey Mouse?įreeplay is unlocked after beating the main Weeks.

Wednesday’s Infidelity Part 2 vs Sad Mickey Mouse is a Friday Night Funkin Mod where Boyfriend rhythm-battle against a super sad Mickey Mouse.