Xamarin had a big disadvantage too in the past too: its price.

For more details, check out this great Xamarin vs. This means a well written Xamarin app should be indistinguishable from an app made with Xcode. Xamarin has a big advantage over other cross-platform frameworks: with Xamarin, your project compiles to native code, and can use native APIs under the hood. The major benefit here is Xamarin can allow you to share code between your iOS and Android app. One of the most popular options is Xamarin, a cross-platform framework that allows you to develop iOS, Android, OS X and Windows apps using C# and Visual Studio. However, this isn’t the only option-you can create iOS apps using a variety of languages and frameworks. When creating iOS apps, developers typically turn to the languages and IDE provided by Apple: Objective-C / Swift and Xcode.